While in an airplane flying over Peru in South America, your friend Pam looks out the window and sees what appear to be stones and trees designed in the shape of animals. What should you tell Pam about to help her understand what she is observing out the window?

(1 point)

effigy mounds

effigy mounds

Nazca Lines

Nazca Lines

totem poles

totem poles


You should tell Pam about the Nazca Lines, which are ancient geoglyphs created in the desert of southern Peru. These geoglyphs are made up of large designs created by removing stones and uncovering the lighter colored ground beneath. The designs include animals, plants, and geometric shapes, and are believed to have been created by the Nazca culture between 500 BC and 500 AD. The purpose of the Nazca Lines is still debated by researchers, but they are considered one of the most important archaeological sites in Peru.