please check these:

1. In "The Gift of the Magi," Jim's suggestion that he and Della put away the Christmas presents shows that he is
a. loving and practical
b. unsentimental and cruel
c. tired of presents
d. unforgiving and resentful


2. Irony is built upon the basic element of
a. suspense
b. comedy
c. surprise
d. conflict


3. From Which point of view are the following paragraphs written?
A young woman just moved into an apartment. She thought it was a nice neighbor-hood and became delighted when she heard a saxophone. She could not believe her luck--she, too, played the sax. She bolted down the stairs to find the musician. "What a lvoely song," she said. She knew at once that he would be her partner for life.
a. omniscient point of view
b. first-person point of view
c. third-person limited point of view
d. second-person point of view


11. Mathilde Loisel and her husband receive an invitation. _____ to a fancy reception.
a. it's
b. Its


12. _____poor and cannot afford jewels for her.
a. there
b. they're
c. theior


13. it's not clear _____at fault in the confusion.
a. whose
b. who's


14. _____ sympathy may be aroused by her plight.
a. you're
b. your
c. you'r


15. It wasn't _____ problem, but it hurt them anyway.
a. their
b. they're
c. there



Sorry my naive sister wrote that. not for Ms.Sue, just for anyone


They all look correct -- except that "Its" had better have a capital "I" on it since the word is being used at the beginning of a sentence!

Alright, thanks!


#3. is wrong.

is it A?


Great job on answering the questions! Here's an explanation for each question:

1. The correct answer is (a) loving and practical. This can be determined by understanding Jim's suggestion to put away the Christmas presents. By suggesting this, Jim shows his love for Della and his practicality in wanting to save money for their future.

2. The correct answer is (c) surprise. Irony is based on the element of surprise, where the outcome is different or contrary to what was expected. Suspense, comedy, and conflict can contribute to irony, but the core element is the unexpected twist or contradiction.

3. The correct answer is (c) third-person limited point of view. In the given paragraphs, the narrator is an outside observer who is aware of the young woman's thoughts and emotions, but the narration is limited to her perspective.

11. The correct answer is (a) it's. In this sentence, "it's" is the contraction of "it is," which makes grammatical sense in the context of the sentence.

12. The correct answer is (b) they're. In this sentence, "they're" is the contraction of "they are," which correctly refers to other people being poor and unable to afford jewels for Mathilde.

13. The correct answer is (b) who's. In this sentence, "who's" is the contraction of "who is," indicating the confusion about who is at fault.

14. The correct answer is (b) your. In this sentence, "your" is the possessive form indicating that the reader's sympathy (belonging to the reader) may be aroused by the plight.

15. The correct answer is (a) their. In this sentence, "their" is the possessive form indicating that the problem does not belong to anyone else but hurts them regardless.

Keep up the good work! Let me know if you have any more questions.