Water from nearby rivers or lakes is usually used to cool down the reactors in nuclear power plants. How would the release of this heated water back into the river or lake most likely affect the stability of the aquatic ecosystems?

The Effects of Sewage on Aquatic Ecosystems | Sciencing

It would decrease the amount of sunlight necessary for photosynthesis in the water.
It would cause an increase in the sewage content in the water.
It would cause a change in the biodiversity in the water.
It would change the number of mutations in plants growing near the water.

The release of heated water back into the river or lake from nuclear power plants would most likely cause an increase in the water temperature, which can have various negative effects on aquatic ecosystems.

This increase in temperature can decrease the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which can lead to oxygen depletion and harm aquatic organisms. It can also disrupt the natural habitat and behavior of aquatic organisms, as some species may not be able to tolerate the higher temperatures.

Additionally, the release of heated water can disrupt the balance of the ecosystem, potentially leading to a decrease in biodiversity as certain species may not be able to survive in the altered environment. This can also lead to changes in the food chain and overall ecosystem health.

Overall, the release of heated water back into rivers or lakes from nuclear power plants can have detrimental effects on aquatic ecosystems and disrupt the delicate balance of the ecosystem.

what the answer

c. It would cause a change in the biodiversity in the water.