what are some disadvantage and advantage of itinerant services in schools and explain

Advantages of itinerant services in schools:

1. Targeted support: Itinerant services allow for specialized support to be provided to students who may not have access to these services within the school, such as speech therapy or social work support.
2. Cost-effective: Itinerant services can be more cost-effective for schools as they allow for a shared resource across multiple schools, rather than having a full-time specialist at each school.
3. Flexibility: Itinerant services can be more flexible in terms of scheduling and availability, as the specialists can move between schools as needed.

Disadvantages of itinerant services in schools:
1. Lack of consistency: Itinerant services may result in a lack of consistency for students, as they may not have the same service provider on a regular basis.
2. Limited availability: Itinerant services may not be available for all students who need them, as resources may be limited and prioritized based on need.
3. Communication challenges: Itinerant service providers may face challenges in terms of communication and coordination with school staff and parents, which can impact the effectiveness of the services provided.