How to calculate angular frequency of an object when given a potential energy vs displacement graph and given the information that the object is 200 kg

To calculate the angular frequency of an object from a potential energy vs displacement graph, you first need to determine the equation that describes the potential energy of the object at a given displacement. Once you have that equation, the angular frequency can be calculated by taking the derivative of the potential energy function with respect to displacement.

Given that the object is 200 kg, you can use the equation for the potential energy of a simple harmonic oscillator, which is given by:

U(x) = (1/2) * k * x^2

- U(x) is the potential energy at displacement x
- k is the spring constant

From the graph, you can determine the spring constant by finding the slope of the potential energy vs displacement graph at a specific point. The spring constant (k) can be calculated as:

k = dU/dx

Once you have the spring constant, you can calculate the angular frequency (ω) as:

ω = √(k / m)

- m is the mass of the object

Substitute the values of k = dU/dx, m = 200 kg, into the equation above to calculate the angular frequency of the object.