What type of data is the number of gallons of gasoline pumped by a filling station during a day?

A. qualitative
B. continuous
C. attribute
D. discrete
E. none of the above

it is a continuous set of data.


The type of data that represents the number of gallons of gasoline pumped by a filling station during a day is D. discrete.

The type of data that represents the number of gallons of gasoline pumped by a filling station during a day is a quantitative data. This is because it represents a numerical measure of a quantity.

Now, let's break down the options to determine the correct choice:

A. Qualitative data refers to non-numeric or categorical information, such as colors or names. Since the number of gallons is a numeric measurement, it does not fall under qualitative data.

B. Continuous data represents values that can take on any value within a range. For example, the temperature can have decimal values like 25.5 degrees Celsius. However, the number of gallons pumped is generally measured in whole numbers and not infinitely divisible like continuous data, so it is not continuous.

C. Attribute data refers to characteristics or properties that describe an object or entity. While the number of gallons is a characteristic, it is specifically a quantitative measurement, so it does not fit under attribute data.

D. Discrete data consists of values that are distinct and separate, usually whole numbers. The number of gallons pumped is counted as a whole number value, making it discrete data. Therefore, D. discrete is the correct answer.

So the answer is:

D. discrete