1 of 101 of 10 Items 15:41 Feature Comparing Two Texts A Simple Flower Story by Trey Loker 1Shaking her head slowly, Sarai stares at the empty lot just a block away from her house. Soda cans, potato chip bags, and discarded cardboard cover the ground. She walks

over to the lot, bending down to inspect the litter. As she picks up each piece, a sense of sadness washes over her. How could people be so careless with their trash? Sarai thinks to herself. She scoops up the trash into a plastic bag she brought with her, determined to clean up the lot.

As she finishes picking up the last piece of litter, she notices a small patch of dirt peeking through the debris. Sarai's eyes light up with an idea. She rushes home, grabbing some seeds and a watering can from her garden shed. Returning to the lot, she carefully plants the seeds in the dirt, giving them a gentle sprinkle of water.

Days pass, and Sarai continues to tend to the seeds, watering them and watching them grow. Slowly but surely, tiny green shoots emerge from the ground, followed by delicate petals blooming into vibrant flowers. The once empty lot is now transformed into a beautiful garden, filled with colorful blossoms dancing in the breeze.

Sarai smiles with satisfaction, knowing that her simple act of kindness has turned a neglected space into a place of beauty and joy. As she walks back home, she can't help but feel a sense of pride in what she has accomplished. And in that moment, she knows that even the smallest gestures can make a big difference in the world.