Branching drill with examples

Branching drill:

Prompt: Write a story about a young boy who finds a mysterious key in his backyard.

Branch 1: The young boy, named Tommy, discovers the key buried under a pile of leaves while playing in his backyard. Intrigued, he decides to keep it and see if it unlocks anything in his house. The key turns out to unlock a hidden attic filled with old family heirlooms and treasures, sparking an adventure to uncover the secrets of his family's past.

Branch 2: Instead of unlocking something in his house, the key transports Tommy to a fantastical land full of magical creatures and mystical powers. With the help of a friendly dragon, Tommy embarks on a quest to find the key's true purpose and unlock its full potential to save the land from an evil sorcerer.

Branch 3: The key leads Tommy to a hidden underground bunker in his backyard, revealing a government conspiracy that his family has been unknowingly involved in for generations. As Tommy delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers dark secrets and must decide whether to expose the truth or protect his family's legacy.

Branch 4: The key unlocks a portal to a parallel dimension where everything is slightly different from Tommy's world. He meets alternate versions of his friends and family, and must navigate the challenges of balancing two separate lives while trying to find a way back home.

Branch 5: Tommy discovers that the key is actually a powerful artifact with the ability to control time. As he experiments with its powers, he inadvertently alters the course of history and must find a way to set things right before it's too late.