according to the Sociology how does the participant mimic or challenge the theories and case studies with the topic of the economic disparities that persist in universities and to redress the legacy of apartheid

In the context of sociology, participants in a study on economic disparities in universities and the legacy of apartheid may mimic existing theories by reinforcing the idea that historical systems of oppression and discrimination continue to shape current social structures and inequalities. For example, they may cite previous research that demonstrates how racial segregation and unequal access to resources have contributed to disparities in educational opportunities and outcomes.

Alternatively, participants may challenge these theories by offering new perspectives or insights that complicate or contradict existing explanations. For instance, they may argue that while apartheid may have created initial disparities, other factors such as ongoing economic inequality, systemic discrimination, or the neoliberalization of higher education are also significant factors in perpetuating these inequalities.

Overall, participants in a study on economic disparities and apartheid may draw on existing theories and case studies to contextualize their findings and develop a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics at play. They may either support or critique existing explanations, ultimately contributing to the ongoing dialogue and debate within the field of sociology.