Many experts have recommended discontinuing the use of plastic straws because they hurt the environment. In 3–5 sentences, describe how you would conduct a research project about the effects of plastic on the environment.(4 points)

To conduct a research project on the effects of plastic on the environment, I would start by identifying a specific research question, such as "What are the environmental impacts of plastic straws on marine life?" Next, I would conduct a literature review to gather existing information on the topic. I would also collect data through field studies, experiments or surveys to analyze the effects of plastic on the environment. Finally, I would use statistical analysis to draw conclusions and provide recommendations for reducing the harmful impact of plastic on the environment.

make it sound like a 7th grader

To study how plastic straws are bad for the environment, first I would pick a question like "How do plastic straws affect animals in the ocean?" Then, I would read a lot of books and articles about it. I would also go to the beach or do some experiments to see how plastic can hurt animals. Finally, I would write down what I learned and share some ideas on how we can use less plastic to help the environment.

Mary wants to paraphrase a source in her essay. In 1–2 sentences, explain to Mary how to paraphrase to avoid plagiarism.(2 points)

To avoid plagiarism when paraphrasing a source in her essay, Mary should read the original text carefully, understand the main idea, and then rewrite it in her own words. She should also make sure to cite the original source to give credit to the original author.

make it look like a 7th grader

Mary, when you want to rewrite something you read in your own way for your essay, just read it really well, understand what it's about, and then write it again using your own words. And don't forget to mention where you got the idea from to give credit to the person who came up with it first.