what do majors in psychology and criminology help with

Majors in psychology and criminology can help individuals develop a strong understanding of human behavior, motivation, and cognition. This can be beneficial in a variety of professional settings, including:

1. Counseling and mental health services: A background in psychology can help individuals provide effective counseling and support to individuals struggling with mental health issues or trauma.

2. Criminal justice: A major in criminology can provide individuals with knowledge of criminal behavior, the criminal justice system, and strategies for crime prevention and intervention.

3. Law enforcement: Understanding human behavior and motivations can be helpful in roles within law enforcement, such as criminal investigations or profiling.

4. Social services: Majors in psychology and criminology can be useful for individuals working in social services, such as child welfare or domestic violence advocacy, by providing insight into the underlying factors influencing behavior.

5. Research and academia: Both psychology and criminology majors can lead to careers in research and academia, where individuals can contribute to the advancement of knowledge in these fields.

Overall, majors in psychology and criminology can provide individuals with a strong foundation in understanding human behavior, which can be applied to a wide range of career paths focused on helping others or addressing social issues.