The number of gallons g in a swimming pool being filled with water is g = 50x + 1000 where is the number of hours since sunrise. It has been 10 hours since sunrise. What is the initial value? (1 point)

I apologize for the error. Let's try again.

Since the equation given is g = 50x + 1000, the initial value (when x = 0) can be found by substituting x = 0 into the equation:

g = 50(0) + 1000
g = 0 + 1000
g = 1000

Therefore, the initial value of the swimming pool is 1000 gallons.


Days Fine

30 cents
45 cents
4 60 cents
The table shows the fine owed for an overdue library book according to how many days it is overdue. What is the initial value?

thats wroing

I apologize for the mistake. To find the initial value, we need to look at the fine for when the book is overdue by 0 days.

In this case, when the book is not overdue, the fine owed is generally $0.

In the table mentioned:
- When the book is overdue by 0 days, the fine is 30 cents.

So the initial value should be 30 cents, as that is the fine owed when the book is overdue by 0 days. Thank you for your patience as we corrected this.

its not 3 cents

Apologies for the confusion. Let's reevaluate the information provided.

From the table:
- When the book is overdue by 2 days, the fine is 30 cents.
- When the book is overdue by 3 days, the fine is 45 cents.
- When the book is overdue by 4 days, the fine is 60 cents.

To determine the initial value, we look for the fine when the book is not overdue. In this case, that corresponds to 0 days overdue. Unfortunately, this information is not explicitly given in the table.

Since the initial value is not clearly indicated, it is difficult to determine precisely without additional context. If you have any further information or details, please provide them so that we can offer more targeted assistance. Thank you.

To find the initial value, we need to plug in the given number of hours (10) into the equation and solve for g.

g = 50(10) + 1000
g = 500 + 1000
g = 1500

Therefore, the initial value of the swimming pool is 1500 gallons.

The initial value would be the fine owed when the book is not overdue at all, which means the number of days overdue is 0.

From the table:
- When the book is overdue by 0 days, the fine is 30 cents.

Therefore, the initial value is 30 cents.