Grade 1 social studies syllabus with recommended books in Zambian

Grade 1 Social Studies Syllabus:

1. Introduction to Our Community:
- Understanding the concept of community
- Identifying members of the community
- Learning about the roles and responsibilities of community members

Recommended Books:
- "My Community" by Colleen Naden
- "Our Community" by Jane Runyon

2. My Family and Myself:
- Exploring the concept of family
- Identifying family members and their roles
- Understanding the importance of family in our lives

Recommended Books:
- "My Family, Your Family" by Lisa Bullard
- "All About Families" by Felicia Lowenstein Niven

3. Our Environment:
- Learning about the different types of environments
- Identifying elements of the environment (e.g. plants, animals, weather)
- Understanding the importance of taking care of our environment

Recommended Books:
- "Exploring Our Environment" by Bobbie Kalman
- "Our Earth: How We Live on It" by Kristin Rattini

4. Our Country Zambia:
- Introduction to the geography of Zambia
- Learning about the culture and traditions of Zambia
- Understanding the national symbols and landmarks of Zambia

Recommended Books:
- "Zambia" by Greg Nickles
- "The Story of Zambia" by Donald Champion

5. Being a Responsible Citizen:
- Exploring the concept of citizenship
- Understanding the rights and responsibilities of a citizen
- Learning how to be a responsible member of society

Recommended Books:
- "Being a Good Citizen" by Mary Small
- "Citizenship: A Very Short Introduction" by Richard Bellamy

Note: These recommended books are just suggestions and teachers are encouraged to use additional resources that are relevant and engaging for Grade 1 students.