In a well developed paragraph respond to the following. After reading about yellow journalism, explain how the media may or may not influence American foreign policy? Basically, what affect can the media have on the government’s decisions? Be sure to state specific examples from the reading. You may also want to include current issues that may be affected by the media. Be very specific and write a proper well-developed paragraph

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The media can have a significant influence on American foreign policy through its ability to shape public opinion and sway government decisions. A prime example of this can be seen in the era of yellow journalism, which emerged during the late 19th century. Yellow journalism, characterized by sensationalism and exaggeration, played a critical role in shaping public sentiment during the Spanish-American War. The media, particularly newspapers like the New York Journal and the New York World, fueled anti-Spanish sentiment through exaggerated stories of Spanish atrocities, such as the sinking of the USS Maine. These exaggerated reports intensified public outrage and ultimately influenced the U.S. government's decision to declare war on Spain.

Furthermore, the media's influence on American foreign policy continues to be evident in contemporary times. For instance, the coverage and portrayal of the Iraq War by the media shaped public opinion about the legitimacy of the war. In the lead-up to the invasion, media outlets played a pivotal role in shaping the narrative by presenting intelligence that supported the claims of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq. This media narrative was crucial in garnering public support for military intervention. However, it was later revealed that the intelligence was flawed. This example highlights how the media's influence can sway government decisions by shaping public discourse.

In the current era, issues such as climate change, immigration, and international trade are subject to media influence as well. The media's portrayal of these topics often shapes public opinion and subsequently influences government policies. For example, media coverage focusing on the impact of climate change can create public pressure for governments to take action and implement policies to address environmental concerns. Similarly, media coverage of immigration issues can shape public opinion and impact the formulation of immigration policies. The media's role in framing these issues can influence the government's decisions and responses to contemporary challenges.

Overall, through its power to shape public opinion, the media can significantly influence American foreign policy and the government's decisions. By highlighting specific examples from yellow journalism to contemporary issues, it becomes evident how the media's portrayal and coverage can sway public sentiment and consequently influence policy outcomes.