1.85 / 4 = _____ per kg

45 cents/ per kg

To calculate the unit cost, divide the total cost by the quantity.

Total Cost = $1.85
Quantity = 4 kg

Unit Cost = Total Cost / Quantity
Unit Cost = $1.85 / 4 kg

To simplify the calculation, convert the currency to the same unit.

Unit Cost = ($1.85 / 1) / 4 kg
Unit Cost = $0.4625 / kg

To calculate the unit cost, you need to divide the total cost by the quantity. In this case, the total cost is $1.85 and the quantity is 4 kg.

To find the unit cost, divide $1.85 by 4 kg:

Unit cost = $1.85 / 4 kg

To simplify the calculation, we can convert kg to grams. Since there are 1000 grams in 1 kilogram, we can rewrite 4 kg as 4000 grams.

Now we can compute the unit cost:

Unit cost = $1.85 / 4000 grams

To evaluate this, you can use a calculator or divide the numbers manually:

Unit cost = 0.0004625 dollars/gram

So, the unit cost of $1.85 for 4 kg is approximately $0.0004625 per gram.