I need to write an essay on this, so can I please get some links to help me? My textbook only describes the domestic decisions, not foreign. Thanks!

25. Describe some of the major foreign policy decisions of the Kennedy Years. How were they consistent with the policy of containment?

P.S. Sorry about last night.




No problem, MC. I'm here to help you. To find links to help you with your essay on the major foreign policy decisions of the Kennedy years and how they relate to the policy of containment, I recommend following these steps:

1. Start your search by using reliable search engines like Google Scholar or academic databases like JSTOR or ProQuest.
- Go to Google Scholar (scholar.google.com) or access your university library's website to find academic databases.

2. Begin your search by using keywords related to your topic, such as "major foreign policy decisions Kennedy years containment."
- You may also include specific keywords related to the decisions you want to focus on.

3. Browse through the search results and look for scholarly articles, books, or reputable websites that provide insights into the foreign policy decisions of the Kennedy administration.
- Focus on sources that analyze the specific decisions you need to cover in your essay.

4. As you evaluate sources, make sure to consider the credibility and relevance of each one.
- Look for articles from established academic journals, books written by experts in the field, or reputable news sources.

5. Once you find relevant sources, read the abstracts or summaries to determine if they cover the information you need for your essay.
- Pay attention to the main arguments, evidence, and analysis provided in these sources.

6. Access the full-text version of the sources you find, either through your library's website or by purchasing or requesting them if necessary.
- Utilize your library's interlibrary loan service if the full text is not available to you.

7. Extract the key information, arguments, and supporting evidence from each source that is pertinent to your essay topic.
- Take notes on the major foreign policy decisions discussed, their relationship to containment, and any analysis or justifications provided.

8. Compile the information and organize it into an outline to structure your essay effectively.
- Start with an introduction that sets the context and states your thesis statement.
- In the body paragraphs, discuss each major foreign policy decision, explaining how they were consistent with the policy of containment.
- Finally, conclude by summarizing the key points and drawing overall conclusions based on your research.

Remember to properly cite the sources you use in your essay, adhering to the citation style specified by your instructor or academic institution. Good luck with your essay!