A recipe for spagetti sauce requires four 16-ounce bottles of ketchup to make 2 gallons of sauce. How many bottles of ketchup are needed to make 8 gallons of spagetti sauce?

Cross multiply and solve for x.

2/4 = 8/x


A recipe for spaghetti sauce requires four 16-ounce bottles of ketchup to make 2 gallons of sauce. How many bottles of ketchup are needed to make 12 gallons of sauce?

To find out how many bottles of ketchup are needed to make 8 gallons of spaghetti sauce, we can use a proportion.

First, let's set up the proportion:

16 ounces of ketchup / 2 gallons of sauce = X bottles of ketchup / 8 gallons of sauce

To solve for X (the unknown number of bottles of ketchup), we cross multiply:

(16 ounces of ketchup) * (8 gallons of sauce) = (2 gallons of sauce) * (X bottles of ketchup)

This simplifies to:

128 ounces of ketchup = 2 * X bottles of ketchup

Now, we can solve for X by dividing both sides of the equation by 2:

X bottles of ketchup = 128 ounces of ketchup / 2

X bottles of ketchup = 64 bottles of ketchup

Therefore, to make 8 gallons of spaghetti sauce, you would need 64 bottles of ketchup.