While in Europe, if you drive 113 km per day, how much money would you spend on gas in one week if gas costs 1.10 euros per liter and your car's gas mileage is 32.0 mi/gal? Assume that 1 euro = 1.26dollars.

Isn't this mostly a matter of converting units?

I would do this.
Go to google and type in "32 miles to km" without the quotation marks and hit enter. Something like 51 something comes up for km.
113 km/day x 7 days = 791 km/week.
791 km x (1 gallon/51 km) = ?? gallons.
Then type into google 1 U.S. gallon to L and the conversion is about 3.785L or so.
??gallons x (xxL/gallon) = yy L.
L x 1.10 Euro/L = cost in Euros
Then cost in Euros x (1.26 dollars/Euro) = ?? cost in dollars.


To calculate the gas cost in one week, we need to convert the units and perform a series of calculations. Here are the step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Convert gas mileage from miles per gallon (mi/gal) to kilometers per liter (km/L).
To convert miles to kilometers, multiply the value by 1.60934.
To convert gallons to liters, multiply the value by 3.78541.

Gas mileage in km/L = (32.0 mi/gal) * (1.60934 km/mi) / (3.78541 L/gal) ≈ 13.55 km/L

Step 2: Calculate the number of liters consumed in one day.
Number of liters consumed per day = 113 km/day / 13.55 km/L ≈ 8.34 L/day

Step 3: Calculate the number of liters consumed in one week.
Number of liters consumed per week = 8.34 L/day * 7 days ≈ 58.38 L/week

Step 4: Convert the gas cost from euros to dollars.
The exchange rate is 1 euro = 1.26 dollars.

Gas cost in dollars per week = 58.38 L/week * 1.10 euros/L * 1.26 dollars/euro ≈ 83.68 dollars/week

Therefore, if you drive 113 km per day in Europe, you would spend approximately 83.68 dollars on gas per week.

To calculate the amount of money you would spend on gas in one week, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the distance you drive per day from kilometers to miles.
To convert kilometers to miles, we can use the conversion factor 1 kilometer = 0.621371 miles. So, 113 km is equal to 113 km * 0.621371 miles/km ≈ 70.211 miles.

Step 2: Convert your car's gas mileage from miles per gallon (mi/gal) to liters per kilometer (L/km).
Since we want to calculate the cost of gas in liters, we need to convert your car's gas mileage from miles per gallon to liters per kilometer.
First, let's convert miles per gallon to kilometers per liter (km/L). We use the conversion factor of 1 mile = 1.60934 kilometers and 1 gallon = 3.78541 liters.
So, 32.0 mi/gal can be converted to (32.0 mi/gal * 1.60934 km/mi) / (1 gal/3.78541 L) = 13.605 km/L.

Step 3: Calculate the amount of gas you would consume in one week.
To calculate the gas consumption in liters per week, multiply the distance traveled per day by 7 (days in a week) and then divide it by your car's gas mileage in liters per kilometer.
Gas consumption in liters per week = (70.211 miles/day * 1 km/0.621371 miles) / 13.605 km/L ≈ 5.421 liters/week.

Step 4: Calculate the cost of gas for one week.
To calculate the cost of gas for one week, multiply the amount of gas consumed in liters per week by the cost of gas per liter.
Cost of gas for one week = 5.421 liters/week * 1.10 euros/liter ≈ 5.9631 euros.

Step 5: Convert the cost of gas from euros to dollars.
Since 1 euro is equal to 1.26 dollars, we can convert the cost of gas from euros to dollars by multiplying it by the conversion factor.
Cost of gas for one week in dollars = 5.9631 euros * 1.26 dollars/euro ≈ 7.512786 dollars.

Therefore, while in Europe, if you drive 113 km per day, you would spend approximately 7.51 dollars on gas in one week.