Surveys on job satisfaction reveal that well over this percentage of American workers are dissatisfied with their jobs

A. 10
B. 30
C. 50
D. 80

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Two things:

#1 -- Look at School Subject. What is this? Please type your subject in the School Subject box. Any other words, including obscure abbreviations, are likely to delay responses from a teacher who knows that subject well.

#2 -- Look at the time. We rarely have any tutors who are up at that hour.

Common sense, please!


To find the correct answer to this question, we can look at surveys on job satisfaction among American workers. These surveys collect data on the level of job satisfaction among workers and provide insights into the percentage of workers who are dissatisfied with their jobs.

To determine the correct answer, we can eliminate options that seem too low or too high based on common knowledge or intuition.

Option A: 10% seems too low based on the fact that there are frequently complaints and reports of dissatisfaction in the workplace.

Option B: 30% could be a reasonable estimate, as a significant minority of workers may be dissatisfied with their jobs.

Option C: 50% is a fairly high estimate. It is possible, but it seems unlikely that half of American workers would be dissatisfied with their jobs.

Option D: 80% seems too high. While there are certainly issues and challenges in the workforce, it is unlikely that such a large majority of American workers would be dissatisfied with their jobs.

Based on the reasoning above, the most reasonable estimate would be option B, 30%.