what are the 3 other names by which animal proteins are called?

chicken fish pork ham beef cheese mik

this sucks buu

I don't now

High biological value, first class and another one I'm trying to find out

And complete protein

Yes keke

What is the answer guys

High Biological Value Protein, First Class Protein and Complete Protein

like if your doing online school

The three other names by which animal proteins are called are:

1. Animal-derived proteins: These are proteins that are obtained from animals, either through their flesh, skin, organs, or other animal by-products.

2. Meat proteins: This term specifically refers to proteins that are derived from the flesh of animals, typically livestock such as beef, pork, chicken, and lamb.

3. Animal-based proteins: This refers to proteins that come from animals, including both meat and other animal products such as milk, eggs, and seafood.

To find this information, you can conduct a simple online search using keywords such as "names for animal proteins" or "other terms for animal proteins." Several reputable websites, scientific articles, or nutrition resources should provide you with the desired information.