color blindness is a sex linked disorder caused by recessive allele on the X chromosome. XC= normal vision. Xc= color blind. if a normal vision man marries a color blind woman, what are the chances that they will have a color blind son? what a color blind daughter? show your work using a purnett square.

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To determine the chances of having a color blind son and a color blind daughter, we can use a Punnett square. In this scenario, the man has normal vision (XCY) and the woman is color blind (XcXc).

First, let's break down the genotypes of the parents:

Man: XC (normal vision) Y (male chromosome)
Woman: Xc (color blind) Xc (color blind)

To construct the Punnett square, we will combine the alleles from the male parent (X and Y) with the alleles from the female parent (Xc and Xc):

| Xc | Xc |
X | XcX | XcX |
Y | XCY | XCY |

In this Punnett square, we have two possible genotypes for sons (XCY) and (XCY) and two possible genotypes for daughters (XcX) and (XcX).

Now, let's analyze the probabilities:

- For sons: 100% of the sons will have normal vision because they inherit the Y chromosome from the father, which does not carry the color blindness allele.

- For daughters: 100% of the daughters will be carriers of the color blindness allele (Xc) because they inherit one copy from their father (XC) and one copy from their mother (Xc).

Hence, the chances of having a color blind son are 0%, and the chances of having a color blind daughter are 100%.