A pool of water with surface area of 0.6 hectares has a uniform depth of 3 metres.A pipe drains water in the pool at the rate of 200 litres per second.How much hours does it take to empty the pool?

area * depth = volume

time = volume/volume rate

1 hectare = 1000 m^2
1 liter = 10^-3 m^3
1 hr = 3600 seconds
time in hours = .6hec(10^3m^2/hec)*3m/(200 L/s *1m^3/10^3 L * 3.6 *10^3 s/h)

= .6*3/(200*3.6) *10^3

= 0.5 hr
check my arithmetic

200 l/s * t =


6000m 3*200=600

To find out how many hours it takes to empty the pool, we need to calculate the total volume of water in the pool and then divide it by the drainage rate.

1. Convert the surface area of the pool from hectares to square meters:
0.6 hectares = 0.6 * 10,000 square meters = 6,000 square meters

2. Calculate the volume of water in the pool:
Volume = Surface Area * Depth
Volume = 6,000 square meters * 3 meters = 18,000 cubic meters

3. Convert the volume from cubic meters to liters, since the drainage rate is given in liters:
1 cubic meter = 1,000 liters
Volume = 18,000 cubic meters * 1,000 liters/cubic meter = 18,000,000 liters

4. Divide the total volume of water by the drainage rate to find the time it takes to empty the pool:
Time = Volume / Drainage Rate
Time = 18,000,000 liters / 200 liters per second

Now, let's calculate the time in seconds first and then convert it to hours.

5. Calculate the time in seconds:
Time = 18,000,000 liters / 200 liters per second
Time = 90,000 seconds

6. Convert the time from seconds to hours:
1 hour = 3600 seconds
Time in hours = 90,000 seconds / 3600 seconds per hour

Using the above calculation, it will take approximately 25 hours to empty the pool.