Which of the following is an example of active readiing?

A.skimming over information and taking notes.
B.reviewing a chapter, question as you read, and review notes.
C.speed reading and taking notes in your own words.
D. Both B & C.
i got B what do you think?

Yes, B is the right answer.

Yes, B is the RIGHT answer.

Thank you Emily and ms.sue of course :)

You're welcome.

1. B

2. C
3. A
100% for connexus academy

Based on the options provided, both options B and C can be considered examples of active reading. However, let's break down each option to understand their characteristics better.

Option A states "skimming over information and taking notes." Skimming is a fast and superficial reading technique where you quickly browse through the material to gain a general understanding. While note-taking is a helpful practice, skimming alone may not be considered active reading since it doesn't involve deep engagement with the content.

Option B mentions "reviewing a chapter, questioning as you read, and reviewing notes." This approach includes actively engaging with the material by questioning the content, making connections, and reviewing notes. It highlights a more thorough and interactive reading process, which is typically associated with active reading strategies.

Option C refers to "speed reading and taking notes in your own words." Speed reading is a technique used to read quickly while maintaining comprehension. While it can be effective, it does not necessarily involve the active engagement required for active reading. However, the accompanying practice of taking notes in your own words indicates a higher level of engagement with the material.

Given that option B involves reviewing, questioning, and note-taking, it encompasses more elements of active reading than both options A and C. Therefore, choosing option B as an example of active reading would be a reasonable choice.