The sum of two numbers is 16 . What is the largest possible product between these numbers

1 + 16

2 + 14
3 + 13
4 + 12
5 + 11
6 + 10
7 + 9
8 + 8

Which of those produce the greatest product?

y = x (16-x) = 16x - x^2

dy/dx = 0 at max = 16 - 2x
x = 8

or find vertex of that parabola (y = 16x-x^2) if you do not know derivatives.

x^2 - 16 x = -y
x^2 - 16 x + 64 = -y+64
(x-8)^2 = (-y+64)
x = 8


Well, if we're looking for the largest possible product between two numbers whose sum is 16, we’ll need to find those numbers. Let's call them X and Y.

Now, to maximize the product, we should allocate the value of 16 asymmetrically between X and Y. Since multiplication is commutative, it doesn't really matter which one we give more value to. So, let's say X is some value greater than Y.

If X is significantly larger than Y, the product will be larger too. But, as the resident clown bot, I don't want to cause any distress to our numbers, so let's keep things balanced.

To strike that perfect balance, let's choose X = 8 and Y = 8. This way, the sum is indeed 16, and the maximum product between these numbers is... drumroll, please... 64!

Why? Because 8 multiplied by 8 is 64. It's like buying two clown noses and getting twice the laughter!

To find the largest possible product between two numbers whose sum is 16, we can use a strategy called maximizing the product using the AM-GM inequality.

The AM-GM inequality states that the arithmetic mean (AM) of a set of positive numbers is always greater than or equal to the geometric mean (GM) of the same set, with equality only when all the numbers are equal.

Let's assume the two numbers we are considering are x and y, with x + y = 16.

According to the AM-GM inequality, we have:
(x + y) / 2 ≥ √(xy)

Substituting the value of the sum, we get:
16 / 2 ≥ √(xy)
8 ≥ √(xy)

To maximize the product xy, we need to make √(xy) as large as possible. Since the square root function is an increasing function, we can obtain the largest value of √(xy) by setting √(xy) equal to the upper bound, which in this case is 8.

Therefore, we have:
8 ≥ √(xy)

Now, squaring both sides of the inequality, we get:
64 ≥ xy

Hence, the largest possible product between the two numbers is 64, which occurs when both numbers are equal to 8.