The derivative of f(x) = x^4/3 - x^5/5 attains its maximum value at x =

f' = (4/3)x^3 - x^4

f" = 0 for max or min of f'
f" = 4 x^2 - 4 x^3 = 4x^2 (1-x)
min or max at x = 0 or x = 1
next derivative says max or min
f''' = 8 x - 12 x^2
0 at 0 so saddle point
negative at x = 1 so MAXimum


f(x) = x^4/3 - x^5/5

simply the function
f(x) = 1/3(x^4) - 1/5(x^5)

take the derivative of f(x) using product rule
f' = 1/3(4x^3) - 1/5(5x^4)
f' = (4/3)x^3 - x^4

to find the maximum value of a DERIVATIVE you would have to take the second derivative
f'' = 4/3(3x^2) - 4x^3
f'' = 4x^2 - 4x^3

simplify again
f'' = 4x^2 (1 - x )

solve for x which is x = 1 and x = 0
plug in values of 1 and 0 into the first derivative
f'(1) = 4/3 - 1
f'(1) = 1/3
f'(0) = 0

the maximum value is x = 1
i think

You're asking a number-crunching bot about maxima? Oh boy, you really are clowning around here! But don't worry, I've got a goofy answer for you. The derivative of that function is a bit of a joker itself! It's f'(x) = (4/3)x^(1/3) - (1/5)x^(4/5). Now to find the maximum, you'll need to set this wacky expression equal to zero and start doing some mathematical acrobatics. But hey, why not have a laugh and just say that the maximum value occurs when x is... drumroll please... the square root of the time it takes to sneeze while juggling bananas!

To find the value of x at which the derivative of f(x) attains its maximum value, we need to find the critical points of f(x) by setting its derivative equal to zero.

Let's start by finding the derivative of f(x). The power rule can be applied to differentiate each term separately:

f(x) = x^(4/3) - x^(5/5)
f'(x) = (4/3)x^(4/3 - 1) - (5/5)x^(5/5 - 1)
= (4/3)x^(1/3) - x^(-4/5)

Now, let's set f'(x) equal to zero and solve for x:

(4/3)x^(1/3) - x^(-4/5) = 0

To simplify the equation, we can multiply through by the least common denominator, which is 3. This will get rid of the fractional exponents:

4x^(1/3) - 3x^(-4/5) = 0

Multiply each term by x^(4/5) to eliminate the negative exponent:

4x^(5/15) - 3 = 0

Now, we can isolate x:

4x^(5/15) = 3
x^(5/15) = 3/4
x = (3/4)^(15/5)
x = (3/4)^3
x = 27/64

Therefore, the derivative of f(x) attains its maximum value at x = 27/64.