A spiritually healthy person would

a. feel as if they were part of a larger purpose.

b. be self-centered.

c. believe that they have no control over their lives.

d. be materialistic.

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The answer is option a) a spiritually healthy person would feel as if they were part of a larger purpose.

To arrive at this answer, let's break down each option and evaluate them:

a) Feeling as if they are part of a larger purpose is a characteristic of spiritual health. It indicates a sense of connection to something greater than oneself. This can be achieved through religious or spiritual beliefs, a sense of belonging to a community, or having a sense of meaning and purpose in life.

b) Being self-centered is not a characteristic of spiritual health. In fact, spiritual health often involves selflessness and concern for others.

c) Believing that they have no control over their lives is not a characteristic of spiritual health. A spiritually healthy person may recognize that there are certain aspects beyond their control, but they would also focus on personal growth, self-awareness, and taking responsibility for their actions.

d) Being materialistic is not a characteristic of spiritual health. A spiritually healthy person tends to prioritize non-materialistic values such as relationships, inner peace, and personal growth.

Therefore, based on the evaluation of each option, the answer is a) feeling as if they were part of a larger purpose.