Create a visually appealing clear pie chart. This three-dimensional diagram represents a school's total student population. The slices of various sizes represent different groups of students. Focus on one slice, which forms a 35-degree angle, signifying 14 students. Allow the size of the other pieces to proportionately illustrate the remainder of the student population. This pie chart should not contain any text or numbers.

A pie chart of total number of students in a school has a sector 35degree representing many students are there in the school altogether?


if uniformly distributed over the pie

Let the total number of students be = n

35/360 x n=14
Divide Num. and Den. by 5 to get;
Make (n) subject of expression ;
n=72 x 14/7
Glad I could help.

To find the total number of students in the school, you can use a proportion based on the given information.

The sector that represents 14 students has an angle of 35 degrees. Let's set up the proportion:

35 degrees corresponds to 14 students
360 degrees corresponds to the total number of students in the school

Now, we can solve for the total number of students algebraically:

35/360 = 14/x

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

35x = 360 * 14

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 35:

x = (360 * 14) / 35

x = 144 * 4
x = 576

Therefore, there are 576 students in the school altogether.

To find the total number of students in the school, we can use the concept of proportions.

First, we need to determine the measure of the entire pie chart. Since the sector representing 14 students is 35 degrees, we can set up a proportion.

Let x represent the total number of students in the school. The proportion can be set up as:

35 degrees / x students = 360 degrees / total number of students

We can cross-multiply to solve for x:

35 * total number of students = x * 360
35 * total number of students = 360x

Now, we know that the sector representing 14 students is 35 degrees. We can set up another proportion:

35 degrees / 14 students = 360 degrees / total number of students

We can simplify this proportion:

35 / 14 = 360 / total number of students

We can cross-multiply to solve for the total number of students:

35 * total number of students = 14 * 360
35 * total number of students = 5040

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 35 to solve for the total number of students:

total number of students = 5040 / 35
total number of students = 144

Therefore, there are 144 students in the school altogether.