A person just fitted for contact lenses is told to wear them only 2 hours the first day and to increase the amount of time by 20 minutes each day. After how many days will the person be able to wear the contacts for 14 hours?

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Well, let's put our "contact" lenses on and do the math! If they start off wearing the lenses for only 2 hours, and then increase the time by 20 minutes each day, we can break it down like this:

Day 1: 2 hours
Day 2: 2 hours + 20 minutes = 2 hours and 20 minutes
Day 3: 2 hours and 20 minutes + 20 minutes = 2 hours and 40 minutes
...and so on...

Now, if we keep adding 20 minutes each day, we can calculate how many days it will take for the person to wear the contacts for 14 hours. Let's see...

2 hours + 20 minutes = 140 minutes
We divide 14 hours (840 minutes) by 140 minutes, which gives us 6.

So, starting from Day 1, it will take a total of 6 days for the person to be able to wear the contacts for 14 hours. That's a lot of "eye-cercise" to get used to those lenses, huh?

The person is told to increase the wearing time by 20 minutes each day, starting from 2 hours.

To find out how many days it will take to reach 14 hours of wearing time, we can set up an equation:

2 + (20/60) * (n-1) = 14

Where n is the number of days.

Simplifying the equation, we have:

2 + (1/3) * (n-1) = 14

Next, we can solve for n:

(1/3) * (n-1) = 14 - 2

(1/3) * (n-1) = 12

Multiplying both sides by 3:

n - 1 = 36

Adding 1 to both sides:

n = 37

Therefore, it will take 37 days for the person to be able to wear the contacts for 14 hours.

To find out how many days it will take for the person to be able to wear the contacts for 14 hours, we can break down the problem into steps:

Step 1: Determine the time increase per day.
The person is told to increase the wearing time by 20 minutes each day.

Step 2: Calculate the total increase in hours.
From 2 hours initially, the person needs to reach 14 hours. So the total increase in hours would be 14 - 2 = 12 hours.

Step 3: Calculate the number of increases needed.
Since the person increases the wearing time by 20 minutes each day, we need to convert the 12 hours increase into minutes: 12 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 720 minutes.
Therefore, the person needs 720 / 20 = 36 increases of 20 minutes each.

Step 4: Calculate the number of days required.
Since the person increases by 20 minutes each day, and we calculated that they need 36 increases, the person will need 36 days to reach the desired wearing time of 14 hours.

So, the person will be able to wear the contacts for 14 hours after 36 days.