Which element of “An Episode of War” shows it to be an example of naturalism?

A. It is set in the Civil War.
B. It shows lives controlled by outside forces.
c. It uses formal language.

I think it's A but i'm not sure

I disagree.


it's B


thanks :)

You're welcome.

To determine which element of "An Episode of War" shows it to be an example of naturalism, we need to understand the characteristics of naturalism. Naturalism as a literary movement is characterized by the belief that individuals are controlled by outside forces, such as heredity, environment, or social conditions. It often portrays humans as helpless victims of their circumstances.

Let's evaluate the options given:

A. It is set in the Civil War.

The setting of the story being during the Civil War does not necessarily indicate naturalism. The time period alone does not directly relate to the belief of individuals being controlled by outside forces.

B. It shows lives controlled by outside forces.

This option aligns more closely with the characteristics of naturalism. If the story portrays characters whose lives are influenced or controlled by forces outside of their control, it suggests a naturalistic perspective.

C. It uses formal language.

The use of formal language does not directly reflect the themes or elements of naturalism. It can be a stylistic choice of the author but does not necessarily indicate a naturalistic approach.

Based on the characteristics of naturalism, the correct option would be B. "An Episode of War" shows lives controlled by outside forces, which aligns with the idea of individuals being helpless victims of their circumstances.