Which number is equivalent to the expression below?

-9 / -3 + 4 x -2
e) 18
f) -5
g) -14
h) -11
-9 / -3 + 4 x -2
-3 + 4 x 2
- 5

I got -5 am I correct????



You're welcome.

Yes, you are correct! The expression -9 / -3 + 4 x -2 can be simplified by following the order of operations, which is commonly known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction).

Let's break down the expression step by step:

1. Start with the division: -9 / -3. When you divide a negative number by a negative number, the result is positive. So -9 / -3 equals 3.

2. Next, we simplify the multiplication: 4 x -2. Multiplying a positive number by a negative number gives a negative result. Therefore, 4 x -2 equals -8.

3. Now we substitute the simplified values back into the original expression: 3 + (-8).

4. Finally, perform the addition: 3 + (-8) equals -5.

So, the equivalent value of the expression -9 / -3 + 4 x -2 is -5. Therefore, your answer is correct! Well done!