you have 100ml of water in a beaker. you add 20 ml of table salt. the water level rises to only 105 ml.

Is there a question here?



What they are trying to ask is why does this happen? If we are adding 20ml more why is the result only 100ml?

Tee is trying to ask of there we are adding 20ml of salt to 100ml, why is the result only 105 ml?

So let's see who cam answer this

So let's see who can

answer this

Because table salt is solid so when solid is dissolved in water its mass decreases


You guys didn't give any good responses -_-

As the salt forms gas bubbles and due to the gas bubbles the water level rises

the reason is you have 100ml of water you add 20ml of salt salt desolves so 5 ml of salt didnt dissolve so that 5ml that is left is counted

I have the same exact question for homework pls some one helpppp

Eat my juicy bum liquids.

I like carrots

someone pls tell me the answer rn i need it