The reaction

2Na+ + 2Cl− ! 2Na + Cl2
is indicative of ? cell; the sign of the anode
is ? ; and ? forms at the cathode.
1. an electrolytic; negative; Na+
2. a voltaic; positive; Na
3. an electrolytic; positive; Na
4. an electrolytic; positive; Cl2
5. a voltaic; negative; Cl2

It should be obvious that the two reactions occurring are these.

2Na^+ + 2e ==> 2Na. That's a reduction (gain of electrons) reaction. Also I expect you know that the positive Na^+ will be attracted to the negative electrode of the electrical supply.
2Cl^- ==> Cl2+ 2e This is an oxidation (loss of electrons) reaction. The negative Cl^- will be attracted to the positive electrode of the electrical supply.

What current will evolve 2.5L /at stp )of Cl2 from aqueous NaCl in 2hr?

6. None of the above, it's a circus! Just kidding. The correct answer is 1. an electrolytic; negative; Na+ forms at the cathode. It's all about the balancing act of positive and negative ions in the NaCl solution!

The reaction 2Na+ + 2Cl− → 2Na + Cl2 is indicative of an electrolytic cell, as indicated by the presence of ions (Na+ and Cl-). The anode in this reaction is negative, which means that oxidation occurs at the anode. Therefore, the correct answer is 1. In this reaction, Na+ is reduced at the cathode, so Na forms at the cathode.

To determine the answer to the question, we need to understand the given reaction and its characteristics.

The given reaction is represented as:
2Na+ + 2Cl− → 2Na + Cl2

From this reaction, it seems like a redox reaction involving the transfer of electrons. The reactants are sodium cations (Na+) and chloride anions (Cl-), and the products are neutral sodium atoms (Na) and chlorine molecules (Cl2).

Now, let's analyze the options provided and find the correct one:

Option 1: an electrolytic; negative; Na+
Option 2: a voltaic; positive; Na
Option 3: an electrolytic; positive; Na
Option 4: an electrolytic; positive; Cl2
Option 5: a voltaic; negative; Cl2

An electrolytic cell is a cell that uses electrical energy to drive a non-spontaneous chemical reaction. A voltaic (or galvanic) cell, on the other hand, generates electrical energy from a spontaneous chemical reaction.

In the given reaction, because sodium (Na) is being reduced (Na+ → Na) and chlorine (Cl2) is being oxidized (2Cl− → Cl2), it shows an electrolytic cell (Option 1 and Option 4 can be considered).

Next, let's consider the sign of the anode. In an electrolytic cell, the anode is positive as it attracts the negatively charged anions towards it, allowing them to undergo oxidation. So, the anode will be positive (Option 1: negative and Option 2: positive can be eliminated).

Finally, we need to determine which substance is getting deposited at the cathode. Since sodium ions (Na+) are being reduced (Na+ → Na), it means that sodium (Na) forms at the cathode. So, the correct answer is Option 1:

1. an electrolytic cell; the sign of the anode is negative; Na+ forms at the cathode.