Assume an average human cell has a cell cycle of 20 hours. Calculate how many cells there would be after 80 hours.

How many cells did you start out with?


idk either
give me the answers

i have a book with the same question.

i counted 21

To calculate the number of cells after 80 hours, we need to determine how many cell divisions occur during that time period.

Given that the average human cell has a cell cycle of 20 hours, it means that it takes 20 hours for a cell to complete a full cycle of division. This cycle consists of several phases, including growth (G1), DNA synthesis (S), growth and preparation for division (G2), and finally, cell division (M phase).

Since the cell cycle takes 20 hours, and cell division occurs in the M phase, we can say that cell division happens once every 20 hours.

To calculate the number of cell divisions in 80 hours, we divide the total time (80 hours) by the duration of one cell cycle (20 hours).

Number of cell divisions = Total time / Duration of one cell cycle
Number of cell divisions = 80 hours / 20 hours
Number of cell divisions = 4

So, there will be a total of 4 cell divisions in 80 hours.

Now, to determine the number of cells after 80 hours, we need to take into account that each division results in the formation of two daughter cells.

Start with 1 cell (assuming we are considering one cell initially). After the first division, there will be 2 cells. After the second division, there will be 4 cells. After the third division, there will be 8 cells. And after the fourth division, there will be 16 cells.

Using this pattern, we can calculate the number of cells after 80 hours:

Number of cells = Initial cell count x (2^number of divisions)
Number of cells = 1 x (2^4)
Number of cells = 1 x 16
Number of cells = 16

So, after 80 hours, there would be a total of 16 cells.