3. Choose the correct vocabulary word for the following sentence: “We know the stranger came from a distance because of the _______ he spoke.” (1 point)

figurative language

... and which do YOU THINK it is?



thank you so much i just wantecd somebody to check.


To choose the correct vocabulary word for the given sentence, "We know the stranger came from a distance because of the _______ he spoke," we need to identify the word that refers to the way the stranger spoke.

Let's analyze the options:

1. Criteria: This term refers to a set of standards or rules used to evaluate or make a decision. It does not relate directly to the way someone speaks.

2. Figurative language: This term refers to the use of words or expressions in a non-literal way to create imagery or convey ideas. It does not directly pertain to the stranger's speech.

3. Dialect: This word represents a particular form of language that is specific to a region, social group, or profession. It often involves variations in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. In the context of the sentence, it suggests that the stranger spoke in a manner specific to a particular area or group, indicating that it is the correct answer.

Therefore, the correct vocabulary word for the given sentence is "dialect."