3. Which of the following words has a positive connotation? (1 point)childish


4. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? (1 point)Is this your key, I found it near your house today?
The wind blew the large, white, clouds across the sky!
Jonah and Michael took the bus across town to get to the concert.
How about we throw a party!

5. When writing a factual report or informational article, be sure to (1 point)avoid words with negative connotations.
include your opinion so that readers understand your perspective.
involve characters in a conflict that can be resolved.
end with a call to action.

my answers
4.How about we throw a party!

5.involve characters in a conflict that can be resolved.

I don't agree with any of your answers.


The editorial cartoonist uses images to help you (1 point)

feel optimistic.
learn more about the topic.
understand the message.
become an expert.

In "Thank You, M'am," when Mrs. Jones "reached down, picked the boy up by his shirt front, and shook him until his teeth rattled," you know the tone of the story is (1 point)


Which of the following words has a positive connotation? (1 point)


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? (1 point)

Is this your key, I found it near your house today?
The wind blew the large, white, clouds across the sky!
Jonah and Michael took the bus across town to get to the concert.
How about we throw a party!

When writing a factual report or informational article, be sure to (1 point)

avoid words with negative connotations.
include your opinion so that readers understand your perspective.
involve characters in a conflict that can be resolved.
end with a call to action.

5 a

3. is definitely not immature, it is youthful.

4. is not "How about we throw a party!" it is "The wind blew the large, white, clouds across the sky!"

4 is not A it is C, I got a 4/5 because I chose A

To determine the correct answers, we can go through each question and explain how to find the solution:

3. To identify a word with a positive connotation, we need to understand the meaning and implications of each option. Here are the possible connotations:

- Childish: This term typically implies immaturity or a lack of maturity, which can be seen as negative.
- Immature: Similar to "childish," this word conveys a lack of maturity, which is also negative.
- Babyish: This term often implies immaturity or acting like a baby, which can be seen as negative.
- Youthful: Unlike the other options, "youthful" has a positive connotation. It suggests vigor, energy, and the positive attributes associated with youth. Therefore, "youthful" is the word with a positive connotation.

4. The correct answer for this question depends on proper punctuation. Let's analyze the options:

- "Is this your key, I found it near your house today?" This sentence lacks a comma separating the introductory phrase ("Is this your key") from the main clause ("I found it near your house today"). Therefore, it is not punctuated correctly.
- "The wind blew the large, white, clouds across the sky!" This sentence correctly uses commas to separate multiple adjectives describing the clouds ("large, white"). It also uses an exclamation mark to convey strong emotion. Thus, it is punctuated correctly.
- "Jonah and Michael took the bus across town to get to the concert." This sentence includes a clear subject ("Jonah and Michael") and verb ("took"), along with a direct object and additional descriptive phrases. It is punctuated correctly.
- "How about we throw a party!" This sentence is an interrogative statement. It correctly begins with a question word ("How") and ends with a question mark, making it punctuated correctly.

The sentence that is punctuated correctly is "Jonah and Michael took the bus across town to get to the concert."

5. When writing a factual report or informational article, it's important to consider the following:

- Avoid words with negative connotations: This is indeed a good guideline. Using neutral or positive language helps to maintain objectivity in factual writing.
- Include your opinion so that readers understand your perspective: In a factual report or informational article, it is generally not recommended to include personal opinions. The focus should be on presenting objective information.
- Involve characters in a conflict that can be resolved: This suggestion seems unrelated to writing a factual report or informational article, as conflicts involving characters are more relevant to storytelling or persuasive writing.
- End with a call to action: A factual report or informational article typically aims to inform rather than persuade or prompt action. Therefore, ending with a call to action might not be appropriate.

Given this, the correct answer is to "avoid words with negative connotations."

Hence, the correct answers are:
3. "youthful"
4. "Jonah and Michael took the bus across town to get to the concert."
5. "avoid words with negative connotations."