Combine the following sentences by changing the italicized group of words into a gerund or gerund phrase.I lost my wallet. This caused me great inconvenience.

Which group of words is italicized?

i lost my wallet

ur irrelevant to this world

Losing my wallet caused me great inconvenience.

Losing my wallet caused me great inconvenience.

To combine the sentences by changing the italicized group of words into a gerund or gerund phrase, you can use the following steps:

1. Identify the subject and main verb of each sentence:
Sentence 1: Subject - "I"; Main verb - "lost"
Sentence 2: Subject - "This"; Main verb - "caused"

2. Look for the direct object or object of the preposition:
Sentence 1: Direct object - "my wallet"
Sentence 2: None

3. Determine how the verb in sentence 2 can be expressed as a gerund or gerund phrase. In this case, "caused" can be transformed into the gerund form "causing."

Now, let's combine the sentences using a gerund or gerund phrase:

"Losing my wallet caused me great inconvenience."

In this revised sentence, "losing" functions as a gerund, and "my wallet" is the direct object of the gerund. The subject "I" remains the same, and "caused" is changed to "causing" in its gerund form.