
The graph shows the number of handbags that Mandy made in one day. What are the variables? Describe how the variables are related at various points on the graph.

Mandy's Handbags

You will have to show us the graph first

while the time is increasing the handbags the mandy is making are increasing too. The time would be the independent variable and the handbags are the dependent variable

how have 1,568 veiwed this but no one speaks up

duuude its cuz they were only looking for the answer just like me duh!😁

In order to answer the question, let's start by identifying the variables and understanding how they are related on the graph.

The variables in this scenario are:
1. Number of handbags - This is the dependent variable, which means it depends on another factor or variable. In this case, it represents the number of handbags that Mandy made in one day.
2. Time - This is typically the independent variable, as it usually drives changes in the dependent variable. It represents the duration of time or the different points in time when Mandy made the handbags.

Now, let's consider how the variables are related at various points on the graph.

On the graph:
- The x-axis represents time, while the y-axis represents the number of handbags.
- As time increases from left to right along the x-axis, we can see how Mandy's production of handbags changes.

The relationship between the variables can be described as follows:
- At the starting point of the graph, the number of handbags made by Mandy is zero. This could indicate either a starting time or a period where no handbags were made.
- As time progresses, the number of handbags increases. We can observe an upward trend on the graph, indicating that Mandy is producing more handbags over time.
- The relationship between time and the number of handbags made is not specified in the question, so we can only infer based on the given graph. It could imply that Mandy's productivity increases gradually, remains constant, or fluctuates over time. Without further information, we cannot determine the exact relationship or the reason behind these changes.

To understand the specific relationship between the variables, it would be helpful to have additional information, such as the units of time represented on the x-axis (e.g., hours, days, weeks) or any contextual details provided.