Carlos will use square floor tile that measure one foot on each side to cover a hallway that is eight feet long and four feet many floor tile will carlos need

4 * 8 = ?



8 multiplied by 4 =32

To find out how many square floor tiles Carlos will need, we can calculate the total area of the hallway and then divide it by the area of each tile.

The area of the hallway can be found by multiplying its length by its width:
Area of hallway = length × width = 8 feet × 4 feet = 32 square feet.

Now, we need to calculate the area of each square tile. Since each side of the tile measures one foot, the area of each tile is one square foot.

Finally, we divide the total area of the hallway by the area of each tile to find the number of tiles needed:
Number of tiles = Area of hallway ÷ Area of each tile = 32 square feet ÷ 1 square foot = 32 tiles.

Therefore, Carlos will need 32 floor tiles to cover the hallway.