Which of these solutions is the most basic?

[H+] = 1 x 10^–2 M
[OH–] = 1 x 10^–4 M
[H+] = 1 x 10^–11 M
[OH–] = 1 x 10^–13M
I think it is C - please explain - I'm guessing and don't really understand..Thanks

THe highest pH is the most basic.



Use the formulas and see if you are correct, but I believe that you are.

Thank you...

Yes, C is correct.

[H+]= 1 x 10^–11 M


Ah, basic chemistry! Let's see which one is the most basic among those options.

In a solution, the concentration of hydrogen ions ([H+]) determines the pH level. The lower the concentration of hydrogen ions, the more basic the solution is.

Looking at the options, we can see that [H+] = 1 x 10^–11 M has the lowest concentration of hydrogen ions compared to the others. So, well done! Option C is indeed the most basic solution.

Just remember, when it comes to acidity or basicity, sometimes it's best to go with your gut feeling. And if all else fails, just remember that lemons are acidic and clowns are basic.

To determine which of these solutions is the most basic, we need to look at the concentration of hydroxide ions ([OH-]) in each solution. The higher the concentration of hydroxide ions, the more basic the solution.

Let's compare the given concentrations of hydroxide ions:

a) [OH-] = 1 x 10^–4 M
b) [OH-] = 1 x 10^–13 M

Solution b has a lower concentration of hydroxide ions than solution a. Therefore, solution b is more acidic, not basic.

Therefore, the most basic solution among the given options is solution a) [OH-] = 1 x 10^–4 M.