If one hundredth is divided into ten equal parts, each part represents one what? 1- decimal, 2- decimal point, 3- fraction, or 4- thousandth.

1/100 divided by 10 is the same as multiplying by 1/10

That would give us 1/1000 which is a thousandth.

If one hundredth is divided into ten parts, each part is one .....


Very bad

Well, this may sound like a math question, but let me put my clown nose on and try to make it funny! If one hundredth is divided into ten equal parts, each part represents one... drumroll, please... decimal! Ta-da! It's like breaking the seriousness into little decimal chunks. Keep it light and decimalicious!

To answer this question, we can follow a step-by-step process:

Step 1: Understand the given information
The question states that one hundredth is divided into ten equal parts.

Step 2: Determine the meaning of "one hundredth"
"One hundredth" refers to a fraction where the numerator is 1 and the denominator is 100. It represents one part out of a hundred equal parts.

Step 3: Divide one hundredth into ten equal parts
We know that one hundredth is divided into ten equal parts. So, we need to divide 1/100 by 10.

1/100 ÷ 10 = (1 ÷ 100) ÷ 10 = 1/1000.

Step 4: Understand the result
The result of dividing one hundredth into ten equal parts is 1/1000.

Step 5: Identify the representation of each part
According to the question, we need to determine what each part represents. The result, 1/1000, means that each part represents a "thousandth."

Therefore, the answer to the question is 4- thousandth.

In summary, if one hundredth is divided into ten equal parts, each part represents a thousandth.