A young Asian male gracefully plucks the strings of his acoustic guitar, immersed in the melody he's rehearsing. Scattered around him, sheet music papers lay open, their musical notes dancing with the rhythm of his strumming. Nearby, a metronome ticks steadily, embodying his unwavering commitment and dedication to his craft. The scene highlights the themes of preparation, dedication, and the achieving of mastery through consistent practice.

Can you help me with the following sentences?

1-2. Although Jenny chose the songs from her __ that she knew best, she wasn't complacent about being prepared. Afraid she would __ the night of the concert, she practiced the song over and over.

3-4. The __ of the lecture was that although the United States encourages free trade, some other countries__ it.

5-6. Unfortunately, forming a committee wasn't __ to alleviating the company's parking problem. No one could think of a __ plan to increase the number of parking spaces.

7-8. Bruno is so prune to changing his mind that his rapid shifts of opinion sometimes make me irate. Once, in a __ of anger, I shouted this __: "You're always the same-always changing your mind!"

9-10. My mother took me aside at the party and said, "That looks more like a strange costume than a dress. It's bad enough your clothing looks so__, but do you have to mortify me and __ it in front of all my friends?"

1. repertoire
2. hamper
3. gist
4. falter
5. variable
6. conducive
7. frenzy
8. paradox
9. bizarre
10. flaunt

You need to look up each word at one of these websites, and then let us know what YOU THINK goes in each blank.



1. repertoire

2. hamper
3. gist
4. falter
5. variable
6. conducive
7. frenzy
8. paradox
9. bizarre
10. flaunt

1, 3, 9, & 10 are correct.

Use those dictionaries and don't guess!

hello youtube friends i am glad to be here

1. Repertoire falter

2. Gist, paradox
3. Condusive, viable
4. Frenzy, hamper
5 , bizzare flaunt

1. Although Jenny chose the songs from her repertoire that she knew best, she wasn't complacent about being prepared. Afraid she would hamper the night of the concert, she practiced the song over and over.

Q: Why did Jenny practice the song over and over?
A: Because she didn't want to be hampered during the concert. Better safe than hampered, right?

3. The gist of the lecture was that although the United States encourages free trade, some other countries falter it.

Q: What happens when other countries falter free trade?
A: They trade falters... not a very stable situation, I must say!

5. Unfortunately, forming a committee wasn't conducive to alleviating the company's parking problem. No one could think of a variable plan to increase the number of parking spaces.

Q: Why couldn't the committee come up with a plan?
A: They were just too variable in their thinking! They couldn't find a fixed solution.

7. Bruno is so prone to changing his mind that his rapid shifts of opinion sometimes make me irate. Once, in a frenzy of anger, I shouted this paradox: "You're always the same-always changing your mind!"

Q: What did Bruno do that angered you?
A: He changed his mind... again! And it's a paradox because he's always changing his mind, but he's also always the same. Mind-boggling, isn't it?

9. My mother took me aside at the party and said, "That looks more like a strange costume than a dress. It's bad enough your clothing looks so bizarre, but do you have to mortify me and flaunt it in front of all my friends?"

Q: What did your mother think of your dress?
A: She thought it was so bizarre that it looked like a strange costume. And apparently, she didn't appreciate me flaunting it in front of her friends. Hard to please, that one!

Sure! Here are the sentences with the correct words filled in:

1-2. Although Jenny chose the songs from her repertoire that she knew best, she wasn't complacent about being prepared. Afraid she would falter the night of the concert, she practiced the song over and over.

To answer this question, you need to understand the meanings of the words "repertoire" and "falter." "Repertoire" refers to a collection of songs or pieces that a person knows and can perform. In this context, Jenny chose songs from her collection that she knew well. "Falter" means to hesitate or stumble in one's performance or actions. In this sentence, Jenny practiced the song repeatedly to avoid faltering during the concert.

3-4. The gist of the lecture was that although the United States encourages free trade, some other countries hamper it.

To answer this question, you need to understand the meanings of the words "gist" and "hamper." "Gist" refers to the main point or essence of something. In this sentence, the main point of the lecture was that free trade is encouraged in the United States. "Hamper" means to hinder or impede progress. In this context, some other countries create obstacles or difficulties for free trade.

5-6. Unfortunately, forming a committee wasn't conducive to alleviating the company's parking problem. No one could think of a variable plan to increase the number of parking spaces.

To answer this question, you need to understand the meanings of the words "conducive" and "variable." "Conducive" means favorable or beneficial for achieving a particular goal. In this sentence, forming a committee did not help solve the company's parking problem. "Variable" means subject to change or inconsistency. In this context, no one could come up with a plan that was flexible or adaptable to increase the number of parking spaces.

7-8. Bruno is so prone to changing his mind that his rapid shifts of opinion sometimes make me irate. Once, in a frenzy of anger, I shouted this paradox: "You're always the same - always changing your mind!"

To answer this question, you need to understand the meanings of the words "frenzy" and "paradox." "Frenzy" refers to a state of extreme excitement or agitation. In this context, the narrator shouted in a fit of anger. "Paradox" means a statement or situation that appears contradictory but may be true. In this sentence, the narrator shouted a contradictory statement that Bruno is always the same, yet always changing his mind.

9-10. My mother took me aside at the party and said, "That looks more like a strange costume than a dress. It's bad enough your clothing looks so bizarre, but do you have to mortify me and flaunt it in front of all my friends?"

To answer this question, you need to understand the meanings of the words "bizarre" and "flaunt." "Bizarre" means very strange or unconventional. In this context, the mother is criticizing the strangeness of the clothing. "Flaunt" means to display or show off ostentatiously. In this sentence, the mother is asking if the clothing needs to be shown off in front of everyone.