Calcualate the volume of 0.300mol of gas at 60 degrees C and 0.821atm.

The local atmospheric pressure is 560 mm Hg. what is the pressure in pascals? Do you think you are at sea level or higher than sea level?

Use PV = nRT to calculate the volume of 0.300 mol @ 60 degrees C. Don't forget to change T to Kelvin.

1 atm = 760 mm Hg.

101,325 Pascals (Pa) = 1 atm.

hes a big chunky boi

PV=nRT eq........1

Here P=0.821atm
That's why we take value of R which is 0.0821
Then put the value in the eq.........1. You will get the answer

To calculate the volume of a gas, you can use the ideal gas law equation: PV = nRT.

In this equation:
- P represents the pressure of the gas
- V represents the volume of the gas
- n represents the number of moles of the gas
- R is the ideal gas constant (0.0821 L·atm/(mol·K) under standard conditions)
- T represents the temperature of the gas in Kelvin

To solve for V, we need to rearrange the equation as follows:
V = (nRT) / P

- n = 0.300 mol (number of moles)
- T = 60 degrees C = 60 + 273.15 = 333.15 K (convert to Kelvin)
- P = 0.821 atm (pressure)

Substituting these values into the equation, we get:
V = (0.300 mol * 0.0821 L·atm/(mol·K) * 333.15 K) / 0.821 atm

Now we can calculate the volume by performing the math:
V = (0.300 * 0.0821 * 333.15) / 0.821

V ≈ 9.476 L

Therefore, the volume of 0.300 mol of gas at 60 degrees C and 0.821 atm is approximately 9.476 L.