How many times greater is the 5 in the thousand place than the 5 in tens place?

Two decimal places = 100.

How many times greater is a digit in the thousands place than that same digit in the hundreds place?

How many times greater is the 5 in the ten thousands place than the 5 in thethousands place in the number 355,984?

for the number 5,512 how many times greater is the value of the digit 5 in the thousands place than the value of the digit 5 in the hundreds place?

To determine how many times greater the 5 in the thousand place is than the 5 in the tens place, we need to compare their place values.

The place value of a digit determines its position in a number. In the number 5,325, for example, the digit 5 in the thousand place has a value of 5,000, while the digit 5 in the tens place has a value of 50.

To find out how many times greater the 5 in the thousand place is than the 5 in the tens place, we divide the value of the 5 in the thousand place by the value of the 5 in the tens place:

5,000 / 50 = 100.

Therefore, the 5 in the thousand place is 100 times greater than the 5 in the tens place.