if a driver drives 40 miles in an hour, what is his ratio of miles to minutes, in lowest terms?

Is the answer 40:60?

You're partly right. Now you have to reduce this to lowest terms.

40:60 = 4:6 = 2:3

At the same speed, how long would it take the driver to travel 60 miles? how would I find that answer?

One way to solve this is with a proportion.

Cross multiply and solve for x.

40/60 = 60/x

40x = 3600

x = 90 minutes = 1 1/2 hours


But how do i reduce my answer?

hello im making a song five six seven eight wait why am i here right now nine ten eleven twelve

To find the ratio of miles to minutes, we need to convert the given information in hours to minutes.

One hour has 60 minutes. Therefore, if the driver drives 40 miles in one hour, he drives the same distance in 60 minutes.

So, the ratio of miles to minutes is 40:60.

However, to express the ratio in lowest terms, we need to simplify it.

To simplify the ratio, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD). In this case, the greatest common divisor of 40 and 60 is 20.

Dividing both 40 and 60 by 20 gives us:

40 ÷ 20 = 2
60 ÷ 20 = 3

Therefore, the simplified ratio of miles to minutes is 2:3.