All of the following statements about reading skills are true EXCEPT:

A. Different activities require different types of reading.

B. It is not always necessary to perform a thorough reading.

C. It is best to use skimming when you look for specific information.

D. “Study reading” requires attention to detail.
is it c?

I think its actually..

B is correct.

;) thanks again!

Can you please help me with a packet

To determine the correct answer, we can examine each statement and see if it is true or false:

A. Different activities require different types of reading - True. This statement is true because reading for different purposes, such as reading for pleasure or reading for research, may require different reading strategies.

B. It is not always necessary to perform a thorough reading - True. This statement is true because sometimes you may only need to skim or scan the text to quickly locate specific information, rather than reading every word.

C. It is best to use skimming when you look for specific information - False. This statement is not true because skimming is a reading technique used to quickly get an overview of the text, rather than searching for specific information.

D. “Study reading” requires attention to detail - True. This statement is true because when studying or conducting research, it is important to read carefully and pay attention to the details to fully understand and analyze the information.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is C. It is best to use skimming when you look for specific information.