How many feet does a wheel with a diameter of 20 inches travel after five revolutions?

the circumference is πd = 20π inches

So, 20 revolutions is 400π inches = 100/3 π feet

To find out how many feet a wheel with a diameter of 20 inches travels after five revolutions, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the circumference of the wheel
The circumference of a circle can be calculated using the formula:
Circumference = π * diameter
Given that the diameter is 20 inches, we can substitute the values into the formula:
Circumference = 3.14 * 20 inches

Step 2: Convert inches to feet
Since we want the answer in feet, we need to convert the circumference from inches to feet. There are 12 inches in a foot, so we can use this conversion:
Circumference (feet) = Circumference (inches) / 12

Step 3: Calculate the distance traveled in five revolutions
To find the total distance traveled after five revolutions, we need to multiply the circumference (in feet) by the number of revolutions:
Total Distance Traveled = Circumference (feet) * Number of Revolutions

Let's calculate it now:
Circumference = 3.14 * 20 inches
Circumference = 62.8 inches

Circumference (feet) = 62.8 inches / 12 inches/foot
Circumference (feet) ≈ 5.233 feet

Total Distance Traveled = 5.233 feet * 5 revolutions
Total Distance Traveled = 26.165 feet

Therefore, a wheel with a diameter of 20 inches will travel approximately 26.165 feet after five revolutions.

To calculate how many feet a wheel with a diameter of 20 inches travels after five revolutions, we need to follow these steps:

1. Find the circumference of the wheel: The circumference of a circle can be calculated using the formula C = π * diameter. In this case, the diameter is 20 inches, so the circumference is C = 3.14 * 20 = 62.8 inches.

2. Convert inches to feet: Since we want the answer in feet, we need to convert inches to feet. There are 12 inches in a foot, so we divide the circumference by 12 to get the value in feet: 62.8 inches / 12 = 5.23 feet.

3. Calculate the distance traveled after five revolutions: To find the distance traveled after five revolutions, we multiply the circumference by the number of revolutions. In this case, the wheel has a circumference of 5.23 feet, and it makes five revolutions, so the total distance traveled is 5.23 feet * 5 revolutions = 26.15 feet.

Therefore, a wheel with a diameter of 20 inches will travel approximately 26.15 feet after five revolutions.