Who was most likely to participate in a corn husking?

Low Country
Up Country residents
house servants
plantation owners

All of the following statements about South Carolina society in the late 18th century are true EXCEPT

job opportunities were abundant in the
Low Country.

residents in both the Low Country and the Up Country had male and female slaves.

the population was evenly distributed throughout the state.

animals helped keep cities clean.

answers i think: 1. c 2. D

^^^^^^^^^^^^ above

there are my answers.

These are probably right.

1. c

2. b
3. b
4. c
heres for people who didn't already take the test and fail like me

To determine who was most likely to participate in a corn husking, we can examine the options provided:

- Low Country residents: The Low Country refers to the coastal region of South Carolina. It was mainly characterized by large plantation farms.
- Up Country residents: The Up Country refers to the inland region of South Carolina. It was characterized by smaller farms and a less affluent population.
- House servants: These were individuals who worked in the households of wealthier individuals, such as plantation owners.
- Plantation owners: These were the owners of large plantation farms.

In the context of corn husking, it was primarily an agricultural activity that involved removing the husks from ears of corn. Considering this, it is most likely that plantation owners and their house servants would have been directly involved in corn husking. They had access to large quantities of corn grown on the plantations, and it would have been in their best interest to ensure a successful harvest.

Therefore, the answer to the question would be plantation owners and house servants.

Now let's move on to answering the second question:

To determine which statement is NOT true about South Carolina society in the late 18th century, we can examine the given options:

1. Job opportunities were abundant in the Low Country.
2. Residents in both the Low Country and the Up Country had male and female slaves.
3. The population was evenly distributed throughout the state.
4. Animals helped keep cities clean.

By process of elimination, we can see that the correct answer is 3. The population was not evenly distributed throughout the state. In fact, during the late 18th century, the majority of the population was concentrated in the Low Country, particularly in the larger cities and plantation areas.

Therefore, the answers would be:
1. Plantation owners and house servants
2. The population was not evenly distributed throughout the state (Option C)

thanks ghost sadness. 100%