A soccer goalie has saved 14 shots and let in 1 goal.

Explain Please!!!

Out of 90 shots on net, how many goals will the goalie likely let in?^^^^ (add on)

Let's use a proportion. g = goals let in

1/15 = g/90

Cross multiply and solve for g.

15g = 90

g = 6

14 saves, 1 goal let in ----> 15 shots

probability of letting in a goal = 1/15

so for 90 shots, prob of likely goals
= (1/15)(90) = 6

A soccer goalie has saved 14 shots and let in 2 goals. Out of 88 shots on the net, how many goals will the goalie likely let in

dog water

Sure! To explain, we need to understand the concept of shot-saving and goalkeeping in soccer.

In soccer, the goalkeeper's primary role is to prevent the opposing team from scoring goals. To do this, the goalkeeper uses their physical abilities, such as agility and reflexes, along with their strategies and techniques.

In this scenario, the goalie has faced a total of 15 shots. Out of those, they have successfully saved 14 shots, which means they have made 14 successful interceptions or blocks to prevent the ball from entering the goal.

However, they have also let in 1 goal, which means the opposing team managed to successfully score against them once. This could be due to several reasons, such as a well-executed shot, a defensive error, or a combination of both.

Overall, the goalie's performance can be evaluated based on the shots saved versus the goals conceded. In this case, saving 14 shots and concurring only 1 goal is considered a commendable performance as it reflects a high level of skill and effectiveness in their role as a goalkeeper.