If 2/5 of a figure is shaded, what percent is not shaded?

2/5 is 0.4. Multiply by 100, you get 40% -> 40% of the figure is shaded. so the percentage of the figure that is not shaded is 100% - 40% = 60%

Each square below represents one whole.

What percent is represented by the shaded area?

thank you

To find the percent that is not shaded, you need to determine what proportion of the figure is shaded and then calculate the remaining portion that is not shaded.

Step 1: Determine the ratio of the shaded part to the whole figure.
In this case, 2/5 of the figure is shaded.

Step 2: Find the remaining portion that is not shaded.
To do this, subtract the shaded portion from the whole figure: 1 - (2/5) = 3/5.

Step 3: Convert the remaining portion to a percentage.
To convert a fraction to a percentage, divide the numerator by the denominator and multiply by 100: (3/5) * 100 = 60%.

Therefore, 60% of the figure is not shaded.