Marcus makes a punch that is 1-4 cranberry juice. Which two fractions are equivalent to 1-4?

1/4 = 2/8 = 3/12 = 4/16 = 25/100

2/8, 3/12

Marcus makes a punch that is 1/4 cranberry juice which two fractions are equivalent to 1/4

2/8 and 4/12

Marcus make a punch that is 1/4 cranberry juice. Write two fractions that are equivalent to 1/4

To find the answer ur going to have to do steps

I not no

Miss sue you stink at math you suuk I am glad you have more than 1 dislikes

To find two fractions that are equivalent to 1/4, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with the fraction 1/4.
Step 2: Multiply the numerator and denominator by the same number to get an equivalent fraction.

Let's use the first method: multiplying by 2.

Step 3: Multiply the numerator (1) by 2: 1 * 2 = 2.
Step 4: Multiply the denominator (4) by 2: 4 * 2 = 8.

Therefore, 1/4 is equivalent to 2/8.

Now, let's use the second method: multiplying by 3.

Step 5: Multiply the numerator (1) by 3: 1 * 3 = 3.
Step 6: Multiply the denominator (4) by 3: 4 * 3 = 12.

Therefore, 1/4 is also equivalent to 3/12.

So, the two fractions that are equivalent to 1/4 are 2/8 and 3/12.